Monday, March 25, 2013

The Story of "The Soulchip"

March 25, 2013

The Story of “The Soulchip’

I came to A.A. to save my marriage.  To find out some way to allow my wife to be attracted to me again.  After 2 years of battling it out in marriage and 2 years into sobriety I had to leave.  I had to get a divorce even though it felt like I was going to die without her.

I started having regular visitation rights with my children.  We would go to Malibu or Topanga beaches and collect sea shells.  I would always tell the kids, “I love what you’ve found!”  Amy and Vanessa would reciprocate with a beaming smile.  After an hour or two of collecting shells we would return home.

I found out a week later that their mother would throw away the shells because she said, “they stunk up the garage!”  When I heard this I became very angry and contemplated hurting her.  For about 3 weeks I thought about this off and on.  I would say to God, “God, help me with this problem.”  I was getting no answers from God or anyone.

One day before ‘Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman’ meeting of A.A. I finally surrendered my life to God for the tenth time...maybe the hundreth.  I did it laying down on the floor in my living room in Santa Monica in front of the sofa.  I said, “God, I don’t want this life anymore.  Teach me how to turn it over and leave it over.”  When I got up on one leg to get off of the ground, the idea came fast - “Put the seashells in surfboard resin”.  When I got up off the ground with the other leg, the idea came - “Give ‘em to all of God’s kids not just mine” just as Chuck C. would say it himself to me (he had died a year earlier).

I started making ‘The Soulchips’ out of a mold from a butter container bottom.  I had about ten of these “molds”.  I don’t remember eating the butter.  I started engraving on them, “God is Love” and “One Day At A Time”.  And the three gifts from The Holy Spirit - the words  “Love”, “Hope”, and “Faith”.

The process of making these medallions was very relaxing.  I did it then in 1985 and I still do it now in 2013.  I have made and given away over 10,000 of them for free with four exceptions.  If you want to know what they look like visit my website -

I use sanding resin that I get from a surfboard shop at cost from other sober people.

They are a meditative tool, another way of carrying the message of G.O.D. (the Great OutDoors) since the seashells come from the great outdoors.

There is also a special way of inscribing on them and giving them away.  I find that people with 30, 60, 90, etc. days/milestones always say, “they’re cool!”  But, of particular importance is a person with their knickers in a twist - 1 day, 23 days, 43 days, etc.  These people we must not overlook.  These people you approach will always remember you gave them this gift.

If you would like to learn how to make them, call me at (310) 458-9772.  Call with any questions.

May God bless you like He has blessed me.

I am sober 29 and ¾ years, since June 30, 1983.

Dr. Mike